To Proclaim Jesus as the Way, the Truth & the Life (John 14:6) A Lifeline & Refuge for All Souls (Matt. 11:28)

Fellowship: To Continue Steadfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship, and in Breaking Bread, and in Prayer (Acts 2:42)

Christian Center: Equipping the Saints for Ministry (Luke 10:1-2)

1) Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ
To proclaim Jesus as the Way, the Truth & the Life.

2) Praise and Worship
A time to focus on the goodness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow, we give thanks and glory to God for all things, according to scripture let everything that has breath Praise the Lord.

3) Christian Education
To continue steadfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship, and in Breaking Bread, and in Prayer. Equipping the Saints for Ministry. We accomplish this mission through our Christian education programs consisting of Sunday School, Bible Study, and New Member's Class.

4) Christian Counseling
At Lifeline Fellowship, under the divine direction of the Holy Spirit led by the anointed man of God, we are on a mission to preach the gospel, to set the captives free, and to mend the brokenhearted. We accomplish this mission through our Christian Counseling program, which deals with life's issues and how to seek resolution and reconciliation according to the Holy Scriptures.

5) Community Outreach
The Holy Scriptures compels us to go into the highways and the byways, freely we have received freely we shall give. Our outreach is three-fold:

(a) Helping people to meet their immediate needs such as with food, clothes, and shelter. This is accomplished by becoming a Knowledge Center of Resources for children in need, the elderly, abused, physically and mentally challenged, homeless, single mothers and fathers, and any and all who are challenged with life's problems.
(b) Providing Christian counseling on life issues that will empower people to rise above their current circumstances and set a course that will enable them to be self-sufficient and productive in society. This is accomplished through programs dealing

(c) Through our New Creation and Discipleship Program we perform Assessment and Evaluations of the progress of individuals who are committed to improving their circumstances through the above-mentioned programs. This promotes the success of each individual through mentoring, counseling, friendship, and love, as was modeled by our Lord Jesus Christ.
6) Adult/Youth/Family Activities
Provide an avenue for alternative entertainment that is enjoyable, biblically based, creates a spirit of camaraderie, creates a bond of love and respect, and lifts self-esteem.